Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Sean Taylor Makes Pro Bowl

Sean Taylor has been voted in to the pro bowl posthumously, discuss this at extremeskins. I'm not sure how much this means in the grand scheme of things, but it seems to be a nice honor to Sean Taylor that he deserved. During the early part of the season he led the league in interceptions. Taylor led voting while living and had 5 interceptions despite missing two games. I hope the Taylors are recovering and appreciate this honor to a man who was constantly improving himself as a human and football player.

A video of 2007 ST highlights against the Packers, for more 2007 videos check out scruffylookin5 on

Rest in Peace Sean, you'll be missed by NFL fans everywhere. Writing and thinking about this whole thing still makes a bit sick and saddened, and so I believe this will be my last post about Sean Taylor. I wish the best for his family.