Saturday, November 15, 2008

Redskins vs Cowboys Songs

So this Sunday the Redskins will meet the Cowboys at FedEx, most media experts have the Cowboys over the Redskins by a slim margin since it is likely that Portis will not play. If last year's Super Bowl has taught us anything its that you have to play the games in the NFL. This weeks match up on the Ninja Tickets blog is Redskins remixed songs vs Dallas remixed songs.

First up Crank Dat Dallas:

Chris Paul's We Whoop On:

Round 2:

TO's Rap "This Time I'm a Cowboy" (who knows what it is actually called?):

Chris Paul and Big Tigger's "Swagga Like The Skins":

We'll see how the biggest rivalry in the NFL plays out this Sunday Night! If you need some tickets to the game or any other rivalry game, check out Ninja Tickets' NFL Ticket Index compiled with tickets from the biggest and most reputable sellers in the industry.

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