Monday, February 4, 2008

Best Super Bowl Ever?

While I feel bad for all my friends who love the Pats, its hard to deny that XLII may be #1. Perhaps surpassing Namath versus Unitas and Redskins over Denver, the giant defeat over the seemingly perfect Pats; a rematch of the last regular season game seems almost surreal.

I feel like those tickets we're worth every penny. I'm sorry Pats fans who bought tickets through us and got let down. Though you have to admit, it was one hell of a ride. To Giants fans who bought tickets through us and saw that game, it sure feels great to put the NFC East back on the map. It also seems to me that this is the first time two brothers have won Super Bowls back to back.

Sorry Pats, but you did make history and your team put up one hell of a game. What to watch next? I would think the Daytona 500 and Eric Clapton will be big.

Also of note Super Bowl 43 or XLIII's Logo

A lot of people have been landing on looking for these tickets, we'll get them up soon!

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